Polar Bear Sighting Reports

The EMR Officers have the responsibility for completing reports on polar bear sightings.

To do this, each local EMR officer meets with several local trappers to learn more about the polar bears seen in the surrounding community and water ways, and on the offshore islands located in the EMR Cree Zone.

Information, such as the general physical state of the bear’s body, the geographical location and date of sighting, the direction in which the animal seemed to be heading, is being collected.


  Waskaganish Eastmain Wemindji Chisasibi Whapmagoostui Total
2020/2021 6 0 4 3 2 15


White Bear      IMG 4760  Ad Polar Bear Pi.ctures 1 Polar Bear Pictures 41


  Cree Trappers’ Association
  PO Box 250 Eastmain, QC J0M 1W0
   819 977-2165